What to expect from SmokeFree-Me

Part One
The Pre-Quit Course
Topics we will cover include:
- stress
- self-esteem
- lifestyle balancing
- improving heath and well being
- anger and mood management

Part Two
The How To Quit Course
Topics we will cover include:
- stress
- building confidence
- your quit plan
- support systems
- methods to stop smoking

Supporting Modules
- Relapse Prevention
- Relapse Recovery
- Relaxation Techniques
- Wellbeing Directory
We are convinced that proper preparation is the key to becoming a successful non-smoker. We start by giving you a clear explanation of how stress and smoking are linked and show you the benefits you stand to gain from stopping smoking.
We will also help you understand why you smoke and explode a few myths about the habit that may be keeping you needlessly hooked. We have also included video talks and relaxation techniques as well as easy to read presentations and work-sheets containing all the information you need to know. The course is delivered to you in a series of manageable sections, paced according to your needs. Our Pre-Quit course helps you lay a firm foundation stop smoking effectively.

Watch Our Film
Our unique film drama showing the Human Givens approach to addiction – it shows you how cravings to smoke work within the brain and how to beat them!

How to Stop Smoking Course
Following on from the Pre-Quit course, the How to stop smoking course provides an overview of everything you need to know about how to stop smoking and remain a non-smoker.

Bespoke Stop Smoking Plan
The course will help you to put together your own uniquely tailored Stop Smoking Plan plan.